Behind the new corona
Infection with a fatality rate of 100%
Since 2006, the first rabies patient in 14 years has been confirmed in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture.
Although there was no human infection, and there was no major news behind the new coronavirus, it was a terrible infection with a fatality rate of almost 100%.
"The most surprising thing about the patients identified here is that they developed eight months after being bitten by a dog," said a local reporter.
According to the announcement by Toyohashi City and others, the patient entered Japan from the Philippines for employment in February this year and lived in Shizuoka City.
On May 11, she complained of ankle pain, and on May 13 she had anorexia and a symptom fearing water, a typical symptom of rabies.
On March 18, an acquaintance was transported by car to a medical institution in Toyohashi City and immediately admitted to an ICU (intensive care unit).
Around September last year, when she was in the Philippines, rabies was suspected because her dog was chewed on her left ankle, and a PCR test by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases detected rabies virus.
"There have been no cases of rabies in Japan for many years, but there have been three cases of rabies occurring in Japan after being bitten by a dog overseas in the past.
Overseas, 50,000 to 60,000 people die each year, and India and Southeast Asia are still common infections," says a doctor at a travel clinic in Tokyo.
All three patients identified in Japan died, and around 20 patients were able to survive after the onset of the disease worldwide.
Fortunately, however, vaccines can be used to prevent the onset of the disease, and vaccines can be given immediately after the bite.
The incubation period is usually 1 to 3 mo, but the onset is said to be slow if the virus is bitten away from the head because it reaches the nerves of the brain from where it is bitten.
Because the patient had an ankle, it appeared 8 months later.
"Unlike Japan, where stray dogs are seldom seen, it is not uncommon for dogs to be bitten in a country where stray dogs are present.
"I won't go to the medical institution," said the doctor.
Because there were treatments, they would not have developed if they had been treated earlier.
The world is a new corona, but there are many other infectious diseases.
I want to be vigilant.
With HPV 9-valent vaccine
Reasons why manufacturing approval took five years
In May, the MHLW panel approved the production of a more effective nine-valent vaccine for cervical cancer vaccine (HPV vaccine), which has been discouraged from aggressively advising vaccines, although this has not been widely reported.
It is Silguard 9 manufactured by MSD.
There are approximately 15 types of HPV (human papillomavirus) that are thought to be responsible for cervical cancer, and two or four of these have been used to date as bivalent and tetravalent vaccines.
Silgard 9 is targeted at nine species, and its protective effect has risen from 50 to 70% to 90%.
Overseas, 9-valent vaccines will be introduced, but whether or not they will be included in routine vaccinations in Japan will be an issue to be studied in the future.
Nevertheless, in July 2015, MSD applied to MHLW for approval of Silgard 9.
It took five years to obtain manufacturing approval.
"People who complain about the harmful effects of HPV vaccines have also criticized the accelerated approval and routine vaccination by the government," said a science reporter in a national newspaper.
"It was necessary to impress that MHLW had carefully examined the case so that it would not fall into the 2.4-valence range," MHLW says.
Is "betting mahjong" a prosecutor's leak?
Shadow of Lockheed that trembled around the Prime Minister's Official Residence
The "betting mahjong" issue, which forced Hiroshi Kurokawa and Prosecutor-General Maki of the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office to resign.
Who brought the information into Weekly Bunshun is an important factor directly related to the essence of the prosecution's affairs.
The May 28 issue of Bunshun wrote, "It was brought to the journal by Sankei Shimbun people," but it's not natural since then.
The more important it is, the more confidential the information source is required.
What made it clear was camouflage, which hid the true source of information.
The first suspicion was "public prosecutor's internal leak."
If Mr. Kurokawa, who had legally been extended beyond the mandatory retirement age at the will of the Prime Minister's Official Residence, assumes the post of the next Prosecutor General, public suspicion will be raised about the neutrality and fairness of the Prosecutor.
It is viewed as a systematic "show of righteousness" in order to eliminate political intervention in the top prosecutor's appointment.
However, if the prosecutor's organization had such a spirit of antipathy, then it should have been against Mr. Nobuo Inada, Superintendent-General of the Prosecutor-General, by betting on the office, and it should not have accepted the submission of a bill to revise the Public Prosecutor's Office Law to the Diet, which would justify the extension of the mandatory retirement age for prosecutors officers.
I don't know the truth of the leak.
However, there was an incident that changed the atmosphere of Nagata Town in front of the Bunharu Gun.
Yukio Shimizu and former Supreme Prosecutors of the Lockheed Age have criticized the government.
Mr. Yoshihiko Hotta, former secretary-general of the Ministry of Justice, resigned to Mr. Inada and Mr. Kurokawa, and appealed to the Prime Minister's Office to resist them.
"The Kantei should have trembled," explains an ex-Self-Defense Forces member, who described the Imperial Army as calling for the decree of Oyama Gen and Nogi Nogi.
Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, and Mrs. Akie Abe's involvement in the issue of Mori Tomoyuki and Katsuyuki Kawai; accusations of violations of the Political Fund Regulation Law and the Public Offices Election Law concerning the Cherry Blossom Viewing Group; rights to integrated resorts (IR) and the purchase of weapons and bombs; and large sums of election funds from the Liberal Democratic Party to Kawai Katsuyuki and his wife.
The Abe administration, the longest in the history of the constitutional government, is precisely why suspicions that could come out of spite of the strike are confused.
Had he stepped on the tail of the tiger to ensure safety after his resignation?
With the appearance of the "Mystery Document" in the election of the President of the Japan Medical Association
"refreshing elections" that could not be realized
In the presidential election of the Japan Medical Association (Nichikai), the incumbent Yoshibu Yokokura expressed his willingness to transfer Zen to Toshio Nakagawa, vice chairman of the Japan Medical Association. Just before the announcement, however, the election showed a change of intent and appeared to be a full-scale war.
Mr. Yokokura was in the first round of election with three voters, but he had not fought hard since the second round.
Even the first time, he said, "I had a refreshing election."
This time, however, there was a "mystery document" that seemed to have been sent out by the Yokokura camp, because it was considered inevitable that the votes of both the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Osaka Medical Association would be broken even after the Vice-Chairman election.
"The conscience of the doctor's members, now, is the gathering," and the pen name for "angry hair."
"This is no longer Nakagawa Toshio's upheaval."
After deciding that it was a coup d'etat initiated by the Nakagawa faction, Nakagawa criticized Nakagawa and the chairman of the Prefectural Medical Association who supported Nakagawa as "the big bad guy in the history of the Japanese doctor," saying that "the Hitachi doctor deepens the confrontation with Kasumigaseki in Nagata Town."
This time, the election did not seem to be "refreshing."